Sum. G34B
Public Speaking & Writing
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Grade 3-6

  • Lesson 1: Why public speaking is important - academics, career, daily life, culture, personal growth
  • Lesson 2: How to structure a presentation, brainstorming techniques, write down notes or a quote on this topic
  • Lesson 3: How to begin and end a presentation formally
  • Lesson 4: Etiquette - small talk - what to say to other people when you meet them & practice with each other and give each other feedback
  • Lesson 5: Etiquette - small talk - what to say to other people when you meet them & practice with each other and give each other feedback
  • Lesson 6: Etiquette - small talk - how to exit gracefully, how to remember people's names (and what to do if you forget) - practice with each other and give each other feedback
  • Lesson 7: Etiquette - dos and don'ts for speaking up in class, practice speaking in a group, relaxation exercises and other tips
  • Lesson 8: Etiquette - dos and don'ts for speaking up in class, practice speaking in a group, relaxation exercises and other tips
  • Lesson 9: Etiquette - dos and don'ts for speaking up in class, practice speaking in a group, relaxation exercises and other tips
  • Lesson 10:Personal evaluations to consider
  • Lesson 11:Personal evaluations to consider
  • Lesson 12: Personal evaluations to consider


Grade 7-8

  • Lesson 1: Structure of class - present or read quote, self-reflection writing with personal feedback, practice public speaking
  • Lesson 2: Learn about ourselves and each other (written and spoken) - anyone nervous about speaking up in class, reading out loud, introducing themselves, presenting in a group, reading a quote, etc.?
  • Lesson 3: Self-reflection - presentation planner vs improviser, organized vs spontaneous (time management), learning styles (visual, aural, etc), study styles (notes, index cards, groups, etc), information focus vs structure focus
  • Lesson 4: What are some tips and ideas to overcome fears, what is the next thing you can do to become more confident in public speaking
  • Lesson 5: Learn about delivery and body language - Voice projection, voice speed, speak clearly, enunciation
  • Lesson 6:Learn about delivery and body language - Hand gestures, eye contact, facial expressions
  • Lesson 7: Self-reflection - Relaxation techniques for overcoming public speaking fears
  • Lesson 8: Evaluation - how are you evaluated on your presentation? content, organization, delivery
  • Lesson 9: Learn about delivery and body language - Vocal variety, pauses and fillers
  • Lesson 10: Learn about delivery and body language - Vocal variety, pauses and fillers
  • Lesson 11:Self-reflection - risk-taking in presentations (small risks, medium risks and big risks)
  • Lesson 12:Self-reflection - risk-taking in presentations (small risks, medium risks and big risks)


English Teacher

